Greet family and friends through a window decorated with your own art! These Blooming Windows Smiles really do shine!
Find a window in your home that can be seen by those coming to visit. Be sure the window is securely closed and locked. Ask a grown-up to help.
Use Crayola Window Crayons to draw face-size circles on the window.
TIP: To "erase" and redo any Crayola Window Crayon or Window artwork, simply wipe away with a damp paper towel then dry with another paper towel.
Add flower petals around each circle using Crayola Window Markers. Use your imagination to make different kinds of petals. Some ideas to try: • Draw lots of wide lines around the circle for a wildflower. • Closely arranged, wide yellow lines will crea
Fill each petal with color using Window Markers or Window Crayons. Tips to try: • Fill in the entire area with broad, solid strokes of marker color. • Dab marker dots in 2 colors. See colors blend to make a third color. • Scribbles look fun and fill in big areas quickly.
Remember to gather family members to peek through your Blooming Window Smiles as guests arrive!
Dessinez des cercles en couleur qui transforment en display 3D lorsque vous portez des lunettes 3D. Pour jouer le jeu, c
Dessinez un paon coloré, un perroquet ou même une dinde pour votre table de Noël — tout départ avec le contour de votre
Quelle est votre taille ? Trouvez un ami pour vous aider et dessinez autour de l'autre personne. Après ceci, coloriez vo