Have a party coming up? Involve kids in planning and preparations. Create your own piñata to accentuate your theme.
Discover which cultures use piñatas-the information may surprise you. Find out why and when piñatas are used. What piñata shape appeals to you? This ice cream cone shape is popular year round for birthdays, picnics, and holidays.
Roll oak tag or a large piece of thin cardboard into a pointed cone. Trim the top using Crayola® Scissors to make the top even.
Fill a recycled paper bag filled with crumpled recycled newspaper to form a round shape. Close the opening of the bag with tape. Place the the filled bag into the opening of the cone. Use Crayola School Glue to hold the parts together.
Cut or tear recycled newspaper into strips.
Cover your work area with recycled newspaper. Combine glue with an equal amount of water in a shallow bowl to make a paper maché glaze.
Cover the ice cream cone with two layers of recycled newspaper strips which have been dipped in the paper maché glaze. Use your fingers to strip away excess glue. Dry thoroughly after each layer. Attach a string for hanging. Cover the whole sculpture with
Ask an adult to cut a small flap near the top of the ice cream cone. Carefully remove the recycled newspaper. Fill the piñata with Crayola Markers, Glitter Glue, and similar items that are not likely to break when the piñata is broken open. Close the flap
To make ice cream, dab Crayola Washable Markers on coffee filters. Spritz with water to blend the colors. Dry.
Tear coffee filters into small pieces, scrunch them up, and glue to the round top of the ice cream cone. Decorate the cone with markers.
Kids are naturally curious about bugs. Count insect wings or legs, and then capture the iridescent colors!
Greet family and friends through a window decorated with your own art! These Blooming Windows Smiles really do shine!
Teken kleurrijke cirkels die magisch diepte krijgen als je het 3D brilletje opzet. Om het spel te spelen, vang je de rin
Teken een kleurrijke pauw of papegaai en neem daarbij de omtrek van je hand als basisvorm.
Hoe lang ben jij? Vraag aan een vriendje om je te helpen om rondom jou je silhouet na te tekenen. Kleur jezelf vervolgen
Stempel kleurige lente bloemen met selderij! Maak een stempel en schilder of teken erbij om zo een écht lenteboeket te
Create fun, unique party favors that your guests will love. Customize these twisty treat or gift holders to match any pa
Speel thuis Minigolf! Maak je eigen golfbaan met behulp van Crayola Afwasbaar Stoepkrijt en gebruik je verbeelding!