Find Me Here Doorhanger

Find Me Here Doorhanger craft

Mark your space! Personalize your bedroom door or desk! Create this colorful sign with Crayola Color Switchers™ Markers.

  • 1.

    What message would you like people to read before they enter your room? Maybe you want them to come right in, to knock - or to keep out. Decide what you'd like your sign to say.

  • 2.

    To begin your sign, fold construction paper in half the long way. Open it up and cut it on the fold with Crayola Scissors.

  • 3.

    Use Crayola Color Switchers™ Markers to create a colorful pattern on the paper. Flip the Color Switchers Marker and apply the special color switcher to write your message over the color background. Be sure to use big, bold letters for your sign. Colors will change like magic!

  • 4.

    Use a Crayola Glue Stick to attach your sign to colorful construction paper. Trim the border close to your sign.

  • 5.

    Glue the sign with the border to more construction paper. Cut a second decorative border for your sign.

  • 6.

    Attach the sign to your door with masking-tape donuts or a string. If you use a string, punch two holes in the top of your sign before you tie it in place.